I woke up Sunday morning and realized that I am now the mommy of a two-month old (well, eight-week old) infant. Ethan has grown. He looks much bigger than he used to be. He is 5.2kg now and 4cm longer than when he was born. When I look at the hundreds of pictures we’ve taken of him since hhe was born, there are clear signs of maturity. His eyes are less puffy now, his eyelashes are full and his eyebrows are starting to grow in.
It has been fun watching Ethan grown from a fresh-out-of-the-womb baby to a two-month old infant. He is so much more fun than he used to be. Last week, he started laughing while awake. He used to laugh in his sleep, but never before had he laughed in response to things he actually found funny. But now he’ll laugh when we play peek-a-boo & when we make funny faces. He likes us to talk to him & amazingly, he likes to take pictures.
However, Ethan has refused to sleep in his baby cot. He even demand to have his own room. That's why he has been sleeping in the other room than with us. I was kind of sad initially because I worry that he would not recognize who is his mommy later (His nanny, Susana is sleeping with him). But what can I do? He was extremely cranky when he slept in our room. We ended up with a tiring and exhausted night. Anyway, my friends have assured me that our baby will somehow bond to his own mommy. So I'm much relief now!