
Our Wedding Date

We have postponed our wedding dinner to the month of August in the Chinese Calender. Why? Firstly, the house renovation can only be completed by end June. Then following by the month of Hungry Ghost, which is not a good month to get married according to the Chines belief. I guess this is a better idea as we'll have sufficient times for the preparation.

We have asked the Master to recalculate the date but he seems to give us the wrong date (I guess)! I double checked the date given with my calender & I found out that the date given do not match with the day. I have called him to reconfirm the date but till today, he still has not give me any answer yet. Master ah Master! We need your confirmation so that we could proceed with the hotel booking le.


sinlee said...

eh char bo, where will u be staying after ur wedding? in KL ke? ur hubby is in KL rite?

Tak Feng and Li Li said...

Hi Sin, I will be staying with my in-law in Melaka. Yup, he works in KL. I don't like KL lifestyle. So prefer to stay as a kampung gal lor. Haha....

paparazi said...

did u kno abt ambridge cottage
i wanna komen abt ambridge

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