
Sleep Disorder

I wasn't feeling well on last Monday & Tuesday. It was even more torturing when I'm suffering from sleep disorder as well. I must admit that I can fall asleep very fast the moment I'm on the bed. But I do not enjoy the luxury anymore. I have been rolling on my bed till 3-4 in the morning. Even I managed to sleep, it was not a peaceful one at all. I was awake many times in between. I really can't tolerate it anymore till I requested for half a tablet of sleeping pill to aid for this sleep disturbance.

When I spoken to my friends & SIL, they told me that I must be stressed up with my coming soon wedding day. Hmmm....... Am I? Maybe or partly I guess.

Anyway, I had a good sleep for the past 2 nights. Maybe because a pig was with me, I could slept more soundly & peacefully. Wonder what will happen tonight without this lovely pig? Hopefully I will have a good sleep tonight. Wish me luck!


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