
Shop! Shop! Shop!

Next Friday will be our pre-wedding photos session. Woo.... times fly really fast. I haven't prepared anything yet! Haha...

Last Tuesday, Ee Ting, Kai Jun & I went to the newly open Melaka Mall. Then, I found a simple pair of sandals. It is gold in color. Don't know why that I have fell in love with this color recently. It costs me RM 63.92 after 20% discount.
While waiting for lunch with my buddies this afternoon, I bought another pair of sandals. Initially I saw a pair of silver color Lewre's sandals . It is lovely but the price is darn expensive (RM 179! Nah... it is too much). Luckily I have a strong determination. I decided to look around first. Then I found this 3.5 inches sandals from Nose. It is super high. Guess I will have to arrange for a foot massage session the next day. Oh... this sandals only cost me RM 69.90.
Of course Hubby B is always in my mind. I got him a piece of G2000 shirt. I like the material & I know he will like it too. So the price is not a matter anymore. Haha....


HJ® said...

wow.. i like that 2nd pair.. what a beauty! i believe it looks good on you, otherwise you wont buy, eh? : )

also, am excited on your upcoming wedding, ha ha ha, can feel your happiness : D

Tak Feng and Li Li said...

Thanks Jin. The price is also a matter. Haha..

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